Studio cleaning - getting another load into the kiln- finding my pottery wheel

Well I got my 2nd batch out and put a 3rd batch in on Sunday -

 Plain for now till I get coloring them next weekend

tonight is 3rd batch out and 4th batch into the kiln

cleaning front area - moved my shelving around so I can move the kiln a bit more on an angle so I can get my wet belt sander beside the sink - and arrange for my hot water on demand  unit - space -  I need to install hopefully by the time I can turn the water on next week

I made my way to the back and dragged out my potters wheel I bought in 2005  and never used - now that I am taking lessons I am for sure going to use - hoping the weather stays  above zero here
found some of my pottery tools as well 

and I think I'll bring down about 4 of the pails to start making some candles at the house as I need at least 70°F for the epoxy to cure properly  - I have one left over from last year I just need to seal 
as I am going to need a min of 50 of these at least for my summer show 

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