Resin and Paper flowers - Basement Studio almost open for business !

Yes  still working on those resin coated paper flowers to make a necklace (the metal is all done but need leaves to go with them )  they are tuning out nice with a nice shine to them

they should be hardened up enough tonight to start the assembly - I just have to figure out configuration and what I am going to attach it too - possibly a neck wire might be best but I never know till I assemble what I want 

My basement studio is getting close to be used - got the tables cleaned up (they have been sitting for years accumulating dust  and stuff ) so have them cleaned up enough - have to check the hose going out to the  propane tank - make sure the fan is working and I'll be able to sit down and start lampworking this weekend -  I brought the niobium stuff in and I think I may leave in this location to work with from now on - its bright and warm downstairs - but there is still a lot of stuff I keep pushing around that needs some spring cleaning 

pick up and some vaccuuming are in order tonight - spending an hour down stairs getting garbage out  so I can take to the dump on saturday  -  I hope to have my etching materials downstairs this weekend and started - as I can have it etching while I am either torching or playing with niobium - or upstairs with paper crafts -   feeling pretty enthused 

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