New Toy -Jewelery Press

I so wanted one but weight and price to Canada not cheap  I had my guys at work make me the die holders last year to use in a big 20 ton press I had at home  but the press is so large - takes up so much room  
 this year they took scrap and a 20 ton Jack and made me my own that can sit on a table   it's perfect


  1. Aren't you lucky to be working with such a great crew!! I have so many pieces I want to make but the garage has been so cold. It's warmer this week.

  2. I'm sure you know you can saw out your own dies for the press. Here is my blog post: http://rosemarysclay.blogspot.com/2015/05/a-new-die-for-hydraulic-press.html

    1. I bought some when you showed how to cut them out havnt even tried as yet - will need to cut into circles or squares (I have both containers) easier to make squares - but now...... going to for sure - Its sitting on my kitchen table right now - possibly going to the basement studio - its freezing here right now and so want to be in the studio with my kilns right now in the mood for glass - hoping to get the torch going this week - checked the hoses and the tank outside and I should be ok -just some more clean up and dusting in the basement and I may fire it up

  3. Replies
    1. thank you - just playing for now not sure what to do with them so they go into the future make box for now
