More Tempered Glass - Sealing Alcohol Inks on the tempered glass

Original posting date should have been
7/4/16 -  so sort of out of order but forgot to post

I scored my big sheet of glass today- too big for my car so I broke it at the  glass suppliers - I put down my tarp we laid it down - I wrapped the tarp around it and then carefully inserted my  nail set and whacked it with a hammer and broke it -(I put in tarp as it tends to explode out and you get a mess to clean up - the tarp holds it together and makes it easier for clean up ) crunched it up and got it into pails - two full 5 gal pails of broken tempered glass - SWEET !

Came home and took my fused pieces out ( 6 pcs  )  and put another 6 into the kiln for tomorrow night - should have a good number by Saturday completed

I mixed up some EX-74 epoxy and  sealed the pieces I put the alcohol inks on - I was worried it might smudge but it was fine - and it looks good - I am wondering if I should not coat the clear spots as well - as it would give it a nice epoxy coating for the base all over -
I will check tomorrow night and see if I want to finish them that way - but so far so good  Here they are upside down drying  with the epoxy coating

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