Results of tempered glass candle holders and epoxy

Ok so I got detoured after work - possible baseball game - then thunderstorm - yeah ! no baseball game so drove the kids back home - 

got to unpack my tempered glass candle holders - even though I used 3 different mixes they all turned out - I just had to pick one I like the results of best - for what was at the bottom of the pail - still I think too much mix but I'll deal with that another time - made up another 3 tonight but here are the three that came out of pails tonight -  

the glass vases worked out great I have perfect centers to put the candles in easier - may need some tweeking but I'll coat the outside with resin as well - it will hold any soft or loose pieces in place and give it a bit of a soft coating but I have enough I think for one more piece - I think my supplier has another couple small pieces for me - so I want to keep making till I have about 25 of these for the show -

the amazing group shot of the three - the three showing the inside - the glass center is perfect - you need something to protect the flame on the candle from the sides of epoxy - its easier to put in first than try to fit something in if the glass is not perfectly round

#5 - no methyl

#4 1tbsp methyl

#3 1/8 c of methyl  

- it actually came out as to what one had the least amount of accumulation at the bottom of the pail which was the no methyl

next experiment will deal with alcohol inks to possibly color the glass


  1. Very nice! Bet they look magical with candle flames.

  2. Havnt done that yet by the weekend though probably - so I can see how they look
