Scrapbook class fun

Had fun on Saturday in the  Heartfelt Creations By the Sea class held at Class Act in Oshawa

The  album turned out really well - was fun learning new things -been over 12 years I have played with scrap booking and cards -  such new  things to learn - creating and  using pull outs and creating the 3d flowers and effects  on the cover was fun - learning to use finger daubers and inking pages - was totally fun - going to do another class next month -  the class was extremely reasonable $75 - it included all the paper/album and pieces  which if purchased would be about 67.00  the class was 5 hours - it was great ! not only that I won the door prize  of some stamps I wanted (value about 29.00)  so over all a fantastic time - and I love the album I made

Fun Hand Puppets and I did a couple of loads of bottles

I put a kiln load on Satruday morning - and used my ceramic plates  for patterns
I had one bottle roll off the skulls ( but I put pieces under the edge of the mat so they cant roll to edge - another sort of shifted  and the flat sheet was fine
 The  nutcracker below was one of the plates I made for fusing patterns onto the bottles - worked great but it rolled a bit
needs cleaning but the image is crisp and clear (a bit offset but it worked ) 

I did another  load on Sunday - but used flat sided bottles so they would stay on the ceramic mold - 

Probably would have perfered a larger clear bottle so I could get all the skulls on the plate onto the clear portion of the bottle - but it worked 

These plates are make from rubber stamps into the clay and then I bisque fired them - 
all in all a good test 
but for my future plates I am making a base neck holder so they cant roll ! and will stay positioned 

On staturday also had fun with my grand daughter - making hand puppets 
I modified to simplify  from a video on You tube but these were fun to make 
everything I bought from the dollar store 

My Goose is cooked .........

I almost thought this may happen as the enamels are a bit touchy over a certain temp - but my Grey Goose bottle  faded in the slump

I like the heal of the bottle more slumped so I go to 1465  -  what I should have done was do this bottle separate in the small kiln and only go to about 1425   like I did the other enamel bottle that turned out great

so it washed out and was burning off so I only got the white sort of background  showing

I could add some black back onto it and fire it with my own enamels - which I just may do as an experiment 

The Big Kiln is on again

actually its off right now - it was on last night - its cooling so when I get home I can open it up

I have a Grey Goose bottle in and cant wait to see the results -

Feeling a little better - at least a walk to the studio to put some bottles in the kiln  was an excursion last night

I hope I'm feeling better for the weekend lots to want to play with

Nothing out of the studio this weekend

Been a bit sick all week - daughter got me out on Saturday to go to the market but then home to sleep  and then  sleep all Sunday

I did clean and organize some scrapbooking stamp pads but that was about it

Hopefully I feel better this week and can get up to the studio to do some glass - both fusing and lampworking to get me back into the swing of things - starting to warm up now