Test run on new kiln - its on !

I was up early 5:30 - could not stay in bed 1 minute longer - its only 32 degrees out  but thats not bad and we expect it to go over 65 today

I prepped the kiln

put down a sheet of thick fiber paper - I think its the 1/8 - I have a big roll and I like it better as I can get so many firings out of one sheet

 so I set up only three bottles -  one on either side and one in the middle - to check for hot spots
I probably could have done more but for now this will do - its more I want to be sure it fires ok

the middle has a piece of lava cloth under it for texture on the clear bottle  and the side bottles are just plain

I put small pieces of fiber brick under the necks with fiber paper as well-  and one underneath each side end of the base sheet in case of rolling- so it doesn't roll to the sides

I programmed the Bartlett last night with a basic bottle fuse to 1465  - and I have to say this is the easiest  controller I've had to  set - no up and down arrows etc  just key in the number - and so straight forward for programming - going to love this kiln

so once the kiln cover closed it was time to hit the start button
start time: 6:05  actually its 7:05  (did not  spring forward on this clock )

started at 46°F -

waited for the clicking and saw 47 next -

so in 1 hour I will go back and check - (probably not - will venture there before as I still need to work cleaning the area up from shifting everything for the kiln -  I will do this all day - every hour to be sure and check how long its taking to do a batch

so very happy to hear the clicking - now hope that the coils are ok and the probe but will keep my eye on it

Went up close to an hour and its at 575 - so its rising and working !  yeah

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