Tempered Glass & Resin Candle results

The ice candle results were not 100% - but look pretty awesome

the awesome picture after I beat it up 

Too much epoxy - too thick epoxy  - it ran to bottom  and accumulated- too much  - and it seeped into near the base because it was too thick - you can see the fatish top edges where too much epoxy

but I beat it up and got a pretty nice result on the outside  - - its thicker the bottom but that wont stop me from putting a small glass and candle in the center

Today mix is less (did a full 2 cups yesterday ) today is only 1 cup in total and even that seems to be too much for one candle -  I did  1/2 cup of part A   1/2 cup part B and 1/4 (just under the rim ) of methyl hydrate - was a pretty thin mix

Poured 1/2 cup of the mixture onto the tile

when I finished pouring - I still had 1/2 cup left  - so will see if  1/2 cut thinner is too much as well - I think I may be heavy handed here thinking I need lots - but tomorrow we will see

so next batch for a single will be 1/4 cup of A  1/4 cup of B  and will see if the need to 1/2 the 1/4 cup of the methyl hydrate - will have to see how it ran

1 comment:

  1. Thoroughly enjoying watching your experiments. :) Hugs! deb
