Annodizing Titanium - First set up and test

I am so excited that I am finally doing this - today is Titanium - the less expensive of the two reactive metals - Its like using copper rather than silver to make tests

so the first steps

Prepare your container

I chose for this first test a small container - basically as long as your piece fits it will work

With all the plastic containers I have around the house I chose  a small glass mason jar that I will keep just for this.
then I got the plastic mesh out - I bought it I think possibly at the dollar store  or maybe michaels in the embroidery/cross stitch section - not that expensive for a piece that looks to be 12 x 10 or so
Easy to cut with scissors - and you will have left over for a larger set up if you want

I cut to fit so that the ends matched inside the jar

Next  I cut a piece of the stainless steel anode - with scissors as it very thin -  got this from Reactive metals -  the width  was taller than the jar but I cut out a piece so that only a tail was left to fold over the edge of the jar

I then filled the jar with water
Place the anode inside and folded the tail over the edge
then put the plastic mesh over the anode (this is so you dont touch the negative to the positive lead )

now before putting in the TSP into the water - I prepared some pieces

I bought this sheet from online metals - 12 x 12

I was going to cut with hand shears as it is thin enough to handle that way - but I took a walk up and sheered a couple of strips - way faster

I also punched holes as I was not sure how I was going to use the pieces - these are definitely wonky - not measured as they are for testing only -  I like to check out how to do this - get some control and have some samples to check out when I do want to make items

Now you have to clean the metal -  there is something call multi etch - which is on its way to  me from the Ring Lord here in Canada - clean the metal perfectly but a little of that TSP works wonders as well -  wash the pieces and dry - try to keep you hands off as the oils transfer from your fingers (same rule as in etching)

I had already plugged in my annodizer and turned it on to test it - then turned it off \

so now I am ready -

I put on my rubber gloves - and added the tsp to the water -  I think I may have put too much for the size as a lot came to the top but it eventually settled -  You will note I have a wooden spoon for mixing - love the dollar store -  and I write on what I use it for and it will stay with my anodizing kit in the box -  I mixed the TSP thoroughly (or as best I could) I was way too anxious at this stage

(note I was doing this on my glass top stove - non conductive and easy clean up - be careful if your work surface is a stainless steel table - be best to have ceramic or wood under your work - something non conductive just in case )

with the Anodizer OFF  I plugged in the black (negative) lead and attached to the tail of the stainless steel anode

then with the Anodizer OFF  I plugged in the red (positive ) lead and attached to the titanium piece

I dipped it in the container to wet it - you can see the excess tsp -  but I just swirled it a bit

I took out and then turned on the anodizer - I was so excited !!!!!  I found that I got this set up in 2005 - 11 years ago and its taken me this long to turn it on for the first time !!!

I set the anodizer to 20 turning the larger grey knob to the right the top number is the voltage
then I dipped 

there is a reaction !- sort of brown color at this voltage 
 then to 30

gives a blue/purple hue 

then to 40

 a light blue hue - and as I work my way up the  the blue /purple is getting deeper

then to 50

more of a yellow hue

then to 70

Rosy Pink hue

then to 90

it bubbled in the water and sort of smoked 

sort of a greeny yellow hue 

then to 100

sort of browny again - but I didnt leave myself much metal at the end 


Take piece off red lead  and wash off with clear water  and dry 
was hard to get the really nice colors to show 

so this is titanium -  I will do niobium soon but I am now off to play a little more without having to take a pic at each step 

I did a few more - then I had other things to do today so Titanium is done - I hope to do niobium tomorrow to see the differences etc..

in this session I used something called a grabber - I like this going to get a few more of these 

I am going to pick a couple of the colors and do them either fully for the piece or a combo as I see some nice mixes between certain voltages 
I think  5 minutes to set up and that included cutting the plastic and anode 
and 5 min of the process because I was taking pictures 

WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW - SO FREAKING EASY !!!!I had to post right away just how easy this is!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea how this was done so it's really interesting to read your post. Looking good!
