Working on a Boho Ring

I knew this month was going to be tight to work on new projects - Thanksgiving weekend - next weekend is the Creative Festival where I will be teaching  Beginners Bead Making for Nortel Mfg. on Thursday and Friday and getting ready for the month end show that is three days -
I highly recomend the  Leslie Kail Villarreal  Boho Ring Class - online - videos - step by steps and a ton of helpful hints on the private facebook page for those that take the class  the ling is   http://lesliekailvillarreal.com/

I didnt get much done but I did run up yesterday  and got to etch some silver - (Leslie has a video on her site on how to etch silver - a great step by step )

Today I attempted sawing (something I dont do often or well) but her videos on the Knew Concept saw are great and actually I was enjoying sawing by the time I finished

I annealed and bent into a ring  and soldered the ring closed -  I kept it simple  no second piece soldered -  so I just want to add a bezel and some silver balls - my shot plate may be here by the time I get to the next stages

I hope to have time to do more to it - its pretty basic and a wonky design but all in all I enjoyed it so far

I even broke open the over 20 year old boxes of  stones and gems I've been saving for this type of project - a particular blue one I really like is going on this one


  1. Your etching is great! So glad you were able to join this group. I'm grateful to be pressed out of my comfort zone with this ring project. Making mistakes, learning to correct them and enjoying it all. Deborah, what don't you have ... now it's that collection of stones!

  2. Let's have Bohemian Jewellery Rings, necklaces, earrings, Straw Hat, Tassels Decorated Pendant and more! Get it all at The world of Boho! Hurry up!
    Women’s Boho Rings Set, 14 Pcs
