Tiger II - Kapow ! On to Tiger III

Can you believe it - I even thought last night when  doing the wine bottle slump I should move the tiger face panel out of the way in case I put something on it and break it -  didnt and then broke it when leaning over to move some frits on the shelf
so onto Tiger III (hopefully 3rd time lucky )


  1. Oh no!! I was looking forward to seeing it completed! Can't believe you have to start over, again. You have more gumption than I do! I'd probably be pouting and cursing in a corner. LOL

  2. I see the beginning of a piece with a tiger looking through vegetation. The way they do ;)

  3. Oh no!! The good news is that the two pieces can be used for tests, right? OR you could top these two pieces with clear and see how it fuses.

  4. I like the vegetation sugestion - I may fuse /frit the eyes first and that should tack fuse the crack then add my frits and then finally the reverse put the grass to give a more 3d effect - I'll have to see - once something like this happens I sort of move off to something else or start something new
