Painting on Glass project- Tiger Face

I have always done painted glass all with reushce or other enamels  but wanted to try with some frit

I admired a glass piece a very long ago at Warner Crivilerro in Allentonw (glass supplier)  and wanted to do a piece -

I havnt really painted  for quite some time  maybe over 12 years - yes I've done screen printing, some small bead or fused pieces but not a project where I painted the trace lines then did shading

so I started by getting pic of a tiger on line -  then manipulating it in photoshop - using the brightness and contrast to get different sheets made up

got the light box out and started  - my clove mix and pen nib and started painting
I printed  out the one print that showed the best outlines and used the pen/ink method I use to paint on glass - could have used brushes but I like the pen

the above face after firing

then for shading /shadow I mix the reushe (same as my ink mix)  but this time with water and make a thin liquidy black material -that I apply completely over the painting (on the painted side) and then brush with my badger brush to get a smooth even layer  (see left side of image below)

then using another print that shows some more shading - I start to remove the thin coating 

Here is piece still sitting on print copy (can look better as there is still shading from the copy )

Here it is dry and ready to go in the kiln sitting on white background

Fired and sitting on white fiber paper
its better to take too much off on the first round as you can do another reaply and remove tillyou get the shading where you want it 


  1. Wow, that is so well done! Congratulations.

  2. Its not done yet - I am going to try powder frits for color so this could turn to a disaster very quickly -

  3. This is great to see - thanks for sharing
