HOT Weekend

Was totally hot this weekend - but stayed close to the pool-  My grandaughters 6th birthday to attend on Saturday - so that was  a busy day - ending in jumping in the pool.

Sunday monrning - put away a lot of stuff I pulledout for the show last week - cleaning up and finding my work benches and sorting through some things - hot hot hot in the studio -  but kept at it with one break to  the pool

Sat down and made one dragon eye - still on the mandrel this morning

 then wanted  to make more irises but searched and searched for my paints -  DUH - I had not brought them up from the house since winter storage.

Sat down and make some Irises so I can make more dragon eyes this week
took them out of the kiln this morning (turned them over to see the results -  
note that not all are perfetcly round - long as they are close - they melt anyway 

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