Lampwork Lentils and Etched copper bracelets

Was a lovely weekend -  started early Friday afternoon with a visit to the Creative festival  where I totally enjoyed just walking around and not in a rush to leave - something I dont do ... enjoy myself
loved doing the parchment embossing - at the show you got to try and of course I bought some to take home - have some from before but these are quite interesting - from S.A.R. (some assembly required)

Got home and relaxed and visted the grandchildren

Saturday got up early and put the heaters on in the studio - its still hovering around 32/zero here  at night and mornings -   so started warming the place up -  cleaned up the house  and brought  more stuff to studio and started organizing -then went food shopping -  my daughter came over with two little ducklings they are going to raise  (was told lucky as she was looking for goats and they would have resided at my house )
I then had dinner and finally went to the studio at 9pm    sat down and made some 1.5" lentils  - these are for some necklaces and bracelet ideas I have in mind - but also just to play - I was in the studio from about 9pm to midnight before I came back to the house and bed
1.5"  with ivory/silvered ivory and transparent colors on top 
also etched some zentangle bracelets - saturday as well (these pics show all uncleaned as yet) fresh from baking soda bath 
worked on some roller stamp bracelets 
was a great day 

On sunday  I got up early 
the studio was nice and warm  and started more bracelets 
Using the roller stamps for these designs - the big 2" wide I was able to do as I picked up the handle at the creative festival  
so now they are all done and I just have to clean, bend and seal 

I also sat while the bracelets were etching  (2 batches on sunday) (2 batches saturday) 
I worked on more lentils 
the blue dot was one I just played with  but I think I know what I want to do with those ones 

spent more time organizing and putting things away  but need more boxes  so a trip to dollar store is needed 

a very good weekend -  will be better as the weather gets better too...


  1. The lentils are Gorgeous - and I'm so impressed with what you can do with the copper - I am stuck doing one piece at a time, and I'd KILL for a rolling mill (figuratively, of course...LOL).

  2. Thank you - Love the etching as it sits while I torch or do something else (works on its own - my kinda craft) I do 8 bracelets at a time in the long glass cake tray - its the clean up I hate after - the etching is easy
    The rolling mill was last years gift to me ..... still working on things - now its hydraulic impressions - rosemarys clay is a good blog to visit too
