GROW YOUR BLOG - Jan 25, 2015 -

The winner of the Grow Your Blog - Give-A-Way is:  Cheri, the Quilting Nanny

you can get in touch with me at dread@deborahread.com  but I will try and contact you through your blog -  Congratulations

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The Grow Your Blog is a wonderful idea to help grow your blog 

I hope that all will enjoy and learn from my blog - if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask -  I have a variety of crafts that I do and share on the blog.

As part of this event I am having a special  Give-A-Way-

will be a small turtle pendant on a silver pated necklace - ready to wear 


 From the list of those that comment below -  I will randomly pick a winner on February 15, 2015

To qualify - just leave a comment on this thread 

You do not have to pay for anything - I will ship worldwide free of charge 

I would love to increase my followers and you can do that by going to the side bar on the right and become a follower.

I hope you enjoy my blog- Happy Reading !

Thanking you all for reading and joining

I'll be leaving this post up all week before adding new items just to catch everyone jumping around the blog hop

A little over half way through the blog hop - a lot of great and interesting blogs out there


  1. Love your blog Deb! I look forward to receiving the notice in my email inbox. I also love winning your give-a-ways. :-)

  2. Hi Deb, I have always loved your blog-and your turtles are just too awesome.
    so glad to see you at the party-

  3. Hello! You have some very lovely things on your blog! :D I hope you're having a good time with the blog hop!

  4. Hi Deb, I'm already a follower and I do enjoy your blog. So much fabulous information shared by you and great pics of your artistic life and creations. I love your turtles so please include me in your giveaway. Enjoy the party!

  5. Don't you love it when Blogger develops a mind of its own? I already follow your blog and would love to give one of your turtles a good home.

  6. You make such facinating things! I signed up to follow on pinterest to see more. Thanks for the giveaway! sarah@forrussia.org

  7. Hello I'm already a follower of your blog,
    Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your gorgeous little turtles.
    Hope to join the blog hop next year. Missed the deadline this time due to computer issues.

  8. Hi, ive just hopped over from grow your blog hop. Your work is really nice. I love those fishies from a posts ago. So sweet!

  9. You throw a great party. Thank you for inviting me!

    So that you know, I've become a Follower and when time permits, I'll be back to see what other beautiful things were made by your hands!

    What this party is all about is to GROW your blog and I'm hoping to do the same. When you get to Section One, check out A Country Chic Retreat and SuZeQ Creations, my personal blog, in Section Fifteen I'd love for you to follow and subscribe to.

    Happy crafting!

  10. I am also a follower of your blog. Now I have found a few others to follow too! And I would love to win one of your fantastic beads!

  11. Visiting from GYB and really enjoying all of the pictures in your blog! You are so talented with your sculpting and beadwork...and those turtles are so beautiful!

  12. Visiting from GYB....I have never seen jewelery work as you do! Very unique and flat out awesome. I love unusual jewelery!

  13. Hi from BC Canada! I love your color sense!

    t_ktl at yahoo.com

  14. Lovely to meet you!
    I'm visiting from the UK

  15. I'm visiting via GYB from St. John's, NL Canada. Already a follower. Thanks for the nice giveaway.

  16. I'm slowly getting around to meet everybody on the tour - certainly have met some really creative people! I just had a peep through some of your flickr pictures - love those eyes!! They make me think of dragons (one of whom lives in my studio overseeing all my creations). Thank you so much for the invitation to come and meet you!

  17. I've just discovered your site while researching the GRS bracelet former. Thank you for the great tutorial on the etched copper bracelet. I am a fan of Zentangle too! Keep up the good work! MargeB

  18. Hi I'm visiting from GYB - I had the same thing happen with my post as well - the automatic posting feature didn't do its job! Ah, well it all worked out. Enjoy the blog party! Susan

  19. Visiting from GYB. What lovely work you do! You are so right that it is taking forever to get to all the blogs, I just get lost reading them! Thanks for participating.

  20. Thanks for visiting me at Comptonia, where I also had an auto-post fail. Your work looks very interesting, and I will pop over to your etsy shop now :)

  21. Just found your blog, wow! I've already learned so much, and have just started!

  22. You make beautiful pieces of art Deborah! Thank you for your kind comment on my blog!

  23. Comments are now closed for the give - a - way
