Free Weekend - Yeah

I would normally be going to a show this weekend but I opted out of it a while ago - I thought the trunk show was this weekend but its the following - which is great -leaves me free to finish prepping for winter outside  - just a few items to go

I hope to play with my rolling mill and make some new fish (made some last sunday night  - they just need wiring up -

need to make at least another dozen (above these 4 ) to bump up my stock - at any time I like to have a couple of dozen but I'm down to about 8  right now

I want to play with my rolling mill and start my collar/bracelet wire project and jet a prototype out this weekend - unfortunately its supposed to drop to -3c degrees this weekend  -so I'll put the heaters on in the studio friday night  (fixed my forced air blower heater with a new plug last weekend and got it working )  if I can maintain about 40-50 degrees and have a heater aimed at me when playing I can stay warm enough

Last weekend I re-carded all my heart earrings, and pendants (you can see new cards on the give-a-way ) and put my turtles on cards as well - now to work on a better presentation for my booth to hold these cards and I carded about 100 new dichro pendant pieces as well

Need to cut more glass and fire and prep for pendants, more bracelets need to be done and figure out a better way to present them on the table as well and mark them with their sizes to make it easier to see what I have left.

Lots to do over the winter to get done - including finish my ceramic beads that need painting

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