Great Weekend

Friday I got a lot done outside for the house for the winter - the horse field cleaned up, hay out for the horses - cleaned the water trough closest to house for winter and put the horses to the front field with another trough while the field was cleaned - Today got the barn cleaned out (the alley way - most of it  - hopefully by end of the week I'll have the rest cleaned out and keep up with this time) cleaned the pool , and readied my stuff for Saturday demo at the Glass Gathering then spent some time shoveling dirt against the house to angle it to direct the water away from the foundation - its freaking hot so gave up when the thunderstorm came

Had a great time at the gathering - woke up at 6:30  to no power  (my internal alarm got me up ) got ready and drove to Oakville (2 hour drive )  was raining by the time I got there but eventually cleared up

Saw so many amazing glass artists - and of course I hardly took any pics - duh......

 this amazing mosquito by Mathieu Grodet glass

another who makes Giraffe Pipes - so amazing- Matt Robertson

and Dwyn Tomlinson of BeadFX was demoing her Dragon Eye and well - I have so wanted to do this I got up on Sunday morning and dragged myself out of bed and to the studio to give it a try

so the eyes have it and thanks to Dwyn - I am addicted to making them now - was a bit lazy to go find the tool I needed for the iris and go pick colors - just wanted to see what I could do with what was on my table - I am so pleased

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