Final Call for the June Give -A-Way

Dont miss out
I'll be pulling a name tomorrow to win the baby turtle

just go to the thread for the give-away
http://deborahreadcom.blogspot.ca/2014/06/june-give-way-turtle.html    there is also a shortcut on the right hand side

so simple - if your visiting then just leave your name and voila you could win

Fobia taken care of - back to work.

It has been a very busy last few weeks for me
with the underlying  fear of having 5 teeth extracted -

It sounds silly but  I am terrified of the dentist - on top of that  I had to switch to a new one as my old one retired (I procrastinated for 2 years till I finally called  in January and found he had retired)  so I had to find a new one to extract what I thought might be 2 teeth - I found one and by the time the appointment was over  I booked the extractions for today the 26th -  5 teeth -  clears the top so I can have nice pearly whites in a month or so  and one lower molar that was about to go to the aching stage.  I've had a few panic attacks and in the office this morning - at the tears stage -
I 'm not toothless as I have a partial plate that covers the front and two of the ones taken out so  no bag lady look, potentially no teeth problems for next few years ?  I hope so

the silly thing is I know there is no pain as I have to be totally put out  and typically after   there is no pain , my face is not swollen   or bruised - and that is what it looks like today - the best results possible - not even the freezing needle points hurt (although I have taken pain killers just in case) - I just have to take it easy for next couple of weeks while the extraction holes heal.   so relieved  -

now I can move on and stop thinking about it - I've avoided commitments , calling people back  and just could not do stuff without thinking about the extractions- potential basket case

although I had work every day, a birthday party for my 12 year old granddaughter - we made tie dye tshirts - that was so much fun - got the dye kit from Dharma trading - was so easy -  I bought bins at dollar store as wells as cookie racks  so sit on bins to make it easy to die the shirts -

   I need to get moving for the show is coming in a couple of weeks and my grand daughter wont be able to help

I need to return calls about a horse I'm selling

and to Toronto Flameworking -  now that my head is back on straight


Boo Hoo  the slippery devils just jumped out of my hands  and hit the floor
I can fix the orange/green
the others are cleaned up ready to be wired up 

Changed to Big Lampwork Fish and other filler beads

up this morning got a few things done and then worked on some fish and other beads

started with a rainbow 

 and some rainbow filler beads

More Turtles

I got to the torch on Friday  and gave myself a task of 10 small turtles and got them done

The temperature has dropped and is chilly this morning -50F and only going to about 64F - ideal weather to torch in - not too hot - not too cold so I hope to spend most of the day in the studio 

I think today I switch to fish - maybe 10 small and a few large fish as a goal


The winner of the May Give-A-Way was BEADHEN  - AKA  Patricia Kendall

Patricia has been in contact and will be claiming her prize - Yeah

  dread@deborahread.com  and put in the subject - May winner - so that I can mail out the prize.

If I have not heard from her I will redraw another name from the May  comments (which I still have in a tin)

It is important to have an email on your profile.

June Give-A-Way - A Turtle



So after making Turtles how could I not give a baby turtle away for June

Same rules as before - leave a comment and I will pull a name on July 1st 
Please be sure your blog has your email address so I can contact you 

will mail for free anywhere in the world no charge to you 
just leave a comment 

- Keep your eyes peeled - give-a-way will be posted tonight

Its not that I forgot - its just that time is getting away from me -  I need to torch - havnt - but got my pool open and filled and running - keeping the area clean and the farm chores started
some big projects I have to do this month  but I totally need more turtles and items for the upcoming Purple Turtle on July 12-13 show so I need to spend more time in the studio making things

I've been looking back at old types of necklaces and beads and have some ideas to complete

so watch tonight for the  posting

More Turtles...............

I may be Turtle'd out - I so did not want to make turtles last night - tried a colour called green slime - like the colour but would have preferred it stay opaque  but its a transparent and sort of eerie clear - I did add a bit of color to the base but not much  -  and did a red dragon blood - I really like how red it is.

and yes...... More Turtles

Took time to make another couple of turtles - a large and a small - if I can keep going I'll have enough for my Turtle Festival in Mid July
A few more purple ones then I need to switch to something greenish 

up to 10 big turtles and 10 small turtles   need at least 35 more small turtles 

More Turtles........

Yes only got to torch on Sunday morning  and made more turtles

these are the smaller turtles 
Needed some Purple ones since the show is called the The Purple Turtle Art  Festival 
check out this site 



Send me an email with your postal address


and I will send out your gift.

Stay tuned there will be a June give-a-way - I'll set it up this week