Early Morning Playing - Saturday - some metal and some new drop and pull Easter eggs

I got up early  (6:00) with intent on getting my trailer full of stuff to take to the dump  for 8am from the basement - but tools and goodies on my kitchen table drew me more than running up and down the stairs

I started by cleaning my kitchen sink, sweeping the extra dog (my dog is molting and it seems like he loses a whole dog each night)   doing the dishes and then unpacked my new tool -  and it was full of shipping grease and of course I had to give it a go
 its a cupola set - it says small but its actually quite large - so I am trying to figure out how really big the large is -   I wish I had measured as the one I got is similar to the other set I already have - one side is deeper than the other  and I had to try it out once it was all cleaned up
On side dapped did a plain back 

flat back option
will eventually solder something together 

then I got detoured and started to try the new drop and pull easter egg decorating 

Easter Eggs, Set of 3 Banty Eggs Pysanky, Traditional Polish Eggs, Wax Embossed Chicken Eggs, Easter Decoration
You must visit as she has amazing eggs 

I was going to use crayons but they didnt work very well - could be just not hot enough now that I have played with the real wax colors for drop and pull - ordered them from etsy 
https://www.etsy.com/shop/EggstrArt?ref=l2-shopheader-nameEggstrArt Colored Wax for Easter Eggs,  Set of 15 Blocks Colored Wax for Wax Embossed Pysanky Eggs, BONUS 2 BLOCKS of Any Color FREEreally nice colours and this will last a long time 

pans from the dollar store on my hot plate and a headpin in a wooden handle or if you can find a headpin put into the end of a pencil with  eraser 
now  here is what I did this morning - played till I found the right temp for the wax (on my hotplate around 350 although I may go up a bit higher next time )so it would be fluid enough to stay pliable as I basically dropped and pulled on the egg 

I played at cutting holes - but my dremel is just too bulky and I guess the tips are just not right - I was cracking the eggs -  so I used them as testers to try and practice the drop and pull

it took a bit to figure out that the temp of the wax needed to be higher (I was at about 225) - you dont use a candle to heat up the tip - its the heat of the wax that keeps the flow going - once I felt a little better about the strokes- I still had one other egg I had prepped and drilled holes in - still damaged but I hated to waste it so I practiced on that one - once I got going ......

I started with the red

then added the black - I figure ok for first try's and I only used the drop and pull and dots so far - many strokes to learn 

1 comment:

  1. My dear i think you are getting the hang of it! :) Hugs!deb
