More new toys- 12" Metal Shear

Yes definitely starting the year off with some new toys for metal work

Princess auto new 12" shear -  I have a small 6" shear  (they are not that small)   and I needed to personally see the 12" to be sure it wasn't the same one -  DEFINETLY NOT!  its way bigger - one swipe and I'll be able to cut the roll of copper much easier  (roll is 12" wide  and about 50 ft long - so I can set up a reel to pull it through for cutting
 - its sweet and freaking heavy - when I picked it up today
so I am going to cut up some more copper to make the 3x4 sheets and work on some new sizes to mail out
something that fits into envelopes

OOOOO cant wait to try it out


  1. Very cool! So this will cut pipe and sheet copper? Are they super expensive?

  2. says it will - cuts the 24g like butter - was from princess auto here in canada about 170.00 harbor freight may have in the USA as well
