3 More Days Till Christmas

Well I feel much better - not completely over my flu but getting there
I had some umph today- got all the laundry done, the floors, the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room the bedroom all cleaned up.  then decided i was going down stairs to torch.

I started with some copper wire  head pins - then I decided to put some glass frit on them to make the heads larger and colored for flower centers - not sure which flowers but I'll have them ready

I used to make bigger flowers and came across them stored downstairs 
 unfortunately the box has been dropped few times  and they have been broken

I just might get out my hot plate and start making some new ones 
I really want to make some more irises 

but I did make up some beads today so they are in the kiln annealing
I had to say when I started I stared with a messy table 
but when \i was finished

Ta Da !


  1. Those flowers are gorgeous!

    Happy Holidays!

  2. thank you - havnt madein quite some time - might be time again to make more
