22 Days Till Christmas - Results of the November Give-A-Way

Only 22 days left - and I actually torched last night - was amazing  - forced myself downstairs and sat and torched - the only thing I hate is having to go outside to turn the propane on and off in the cold  - but its not so bad.  
I actually had beads out of the kiln this morning - I'll post a pic later

But onto the important news -   I did the draw last night but never got back onto the computer to post

The winner is :  Tammie Everly  - I'll be in touch with you shortly for your snail mail information

I thank you all for submitting and for your wonderful comments - and I will be doing the next draw in January

1 comment:

  1. Deborah~ I received my package yesterday and I wanted to take a moment and thank you so much for your AMAZING gift to me! WOW!! Everything is so beautiful and you are extremely talented & generous. I love it all... and boy that floral focal bead is Exceptional! Thank you so very much, Warmest Regards, Tammie
