13 Days Till Christmas

and yet still no torching this week - too busy with home, work  and family

I was disappointed this week to find out that the Neocounter from  Neoworx that runs the side counter is no longer around
unfortunately I paid for a year  just a couple of months ago for their pro version - wasnt much but I hate these places that just go out of business - no notice nothing - although I read some people got emails appologizing -   I really liked my counter ........     by Nov 29th I had 35461 unique hits to my site from 153 countries  since Jan 2012- going to really miss that

I really need to relax so maybe tonight I'll torch  or go up to the studio and grab some wire and try those wire wrap earrings from the new book - that I still have to try .

My shopping is almost done - I figure this Saturday finishes it - and then I can do whatever I want to relax  and play

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