Getting Busy

Getting Busy - of course I only have 3 weeks to next show and all the things I wanted to make have not happened

Did I make any lampwork beads last weekend - nope  - but I built a new table to put my heat press and my mini sandblaster on
needed some new work space if I wanted to make silk screens using the Yudu finally  and keep it safe under the table till I need it - or can use it under the table to just expose the screens  - very happy now to have it done  - just ordering the stainless steel top for it this week - I also put a nice big power bar in that area so I can plug into 

Did I finish my bracelets - nope - I only played (see earlier post) with my mini sandblaster I pulled out of storage (I bought it 12 years ago and only used it once ) but now using to clean up the bracelets 
Last couple of nights I've gone to the studio - put on the fans (cause its hot hot hot )  and cleaned the bracelets up to prep for liver of sulpher and sealing 
got them all clean finally last night and sanded and put on the liver of sulpher - I dont dip I use a q-tip and applied so I would not get on the backs - for easier finishing 
once on I rinse in clear running water and then dip in bicarbe and water to stop the reaction and dried - then sanded them with my dremel and split mandrel and sandpaper 
I then applied two coats  of the permalac sealer (they dried by the time I came around for second coat) and I've left them to dry - Wednesday night I do the backs and sides  and they will be finished 

Next on the agenda is to make some larger thin bracelets- at least a dozen  - have a bunch of small but need the larger size 
I've started them by cutting the corners and flattening the metal - I just need to file the corners smoother and clean one side of the metal so I can heat press the pnp blue of my zentangle designs on them for etching. The etching is easy compared to the prep and clean up 

I still have some things to clean up in my rework bin
they need cleaning and then I can figure out what to do with them 
I do have some washers I made - thinking about a necklace of some sorts 
If I have time but I like to lay out stuff to look at while I'm working on something else - sometimes it gives me ideas 
Like these - still thinking of the embellishments for the pendant with the dichro center and the oval cut outs - I want glass in the center just cant think if dichro or possibly a lampwork eye 

May be this weekend - although I have babysitting chore friday with the grandkids and my grandaughters 12 th birthday on saturday may be dead days for making things 

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