Long Weekend - Day 3

I am not sure if sleeping in counts when you get up at 5:30 feed the dog and take him out
then come back and crawl into bed and sleep till 8:30 (that is late for me )

I got up and had to put out hay - check the pool , finish some weed wacking and get into the studio and finish the 2nd sheet of dichro
Evidently I only need about 15 minutes and  I was finished - I was a lot further than I thought when I went to bed 
Once finished I pulled out my slab cutter and chopped it up and then ground the sides and edges 
and into the kiln they went 

While they were in the kiln I stamped and got some etched copper  started  and cleaned the small butterflies 
and the bars for the toggles - got them punched, coloured  and sealed 

I rally like the matching etched bars 

and I got the etched pieces out of the kiln and will put the bails on Monday night 

I still have a batch of the etched toggles do clean and get ready but probably wont have ready for the show and I still need to make some more bars  for some of the toggles I have finished not sure if I'll have those done either  

 - I feel I did get some things completed this weekend - I only wish I had started earlier and I would have some new  lampwork as well 
so Monday is bails on the 2nd sheet and let them dry mount the 1st sheet onto cards 
I also have to get all my boxes and goodies ready for the show by thursday and loaded friday night as its  an early morning on Saturday 

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