
We are half way through the month and I've accomplished a few things -  etched/ engraved zentangle dichro is etched/engraved, cut up, edges ground down and sitting in the kiln waiting for a nice day to be fired up at the studio.  I created a necklace for the 7th Bead South hosted by Lori Anderson  : http://lorianderson-beadsoupblogparty.blogspot.ca/  Even if your not part of the bead soup take the time to venture through the blogs as its not just about the soup - you may come across a blog that will inspire you.

A reminder that the give-A-way for April is still on and all you have to do is leave a comment on the give-a-way thread (only that thread will qualify you for the draw)  will ship the gift to the winner no charge anywhere in the world

Because of the Bead Soup I'll be creating some new necklace lines using turquoise magnesite , coral and stones  that I have hoarded up in the studio (bought a bunch in San Diego- South Sun Beads -  when I was down there)

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