Cutting Engraved Zentangle Dichro Tile with Slab Saw

Pretty long title - but I find if I put as much description in the title people will find it when searching -  I hope - like me others are searching on how to do something and want to be sure they find it .

The slab saw was brought in and sat on my counter - I had archery on Saturday and a fun tournament on Sunday so I planned on cutting Saturday night- but as all plans go they change -  babysitting my granddaughter became the plan .   so I did not get to it till Sunday afternoon -   I only cut up one 6" x 6" tile
I mentioned I like doing the tiles this size as it give me a bigger canvas to work on and the dynamics of the pattern flow through the piece and when cut up  are more random looking

The slab saw is  a Hi-Tech Diamond Slab Saw with 4" cutting wheel - (I also have the larger version 6" cutting wheel  - same make )

Just be sure to have lots of water in the well while cutting  -
I typicall cut the piece in half and work my way through cutting up into pieces - this time I went tried and true straight cuts and I'll use the grinder to smooth out edges or shapes from the squares

(not great pics - once again my phone - I know where my camera is but could not find my sd cards  till I woke up this morning with a brain storm of where I safely put them )
I took the sheet and sliced it in half and then each piece in half again till I had strips 
then cut them in to cubes 
this is not always the way - I could cut triangles , odd sizes etc.
in the end I cut some long pieces as well for longer pendants 
In their raw form - still need grinding of edges to create the black frame and shape 

the edeges will be ground smooth and a rim around the edge to create a frame will be done from the grinder 

scrap from cutting - I might be mssing a few (probably still in water well of saw 
I cut the edges as close as I can - why?  because when fused the edges were slumped and I want clean deep squared off edges for my pieces .  this saw is really nice to work with

I am going to trip up to the studio tonight and grab my grinder and also cut up my other sheet (Have about 6 more sheets of other dichro capped glass to cut up but may wait on that ) 
If things go well I might even fire them by the weekend 


  1. I've never used a slab saw. I have a Taurus Ring Saw, and I really like it, especially the way I can cut curves. Your pieces look great - some really interesting patterns!

  2. I should use my taurus but I keep forgetting - thank you for the reminder - maybe second slab I'll use it

  3. Going out on a limb here...as this post was 10 years ago. I was wondering if you would share your firing polish schedule with me. As I am not having luck with getting clean smooth edges. Thanks in advance.
