Wire Weaving -multiple weave pattern bracelets

Art Jewelry Magazine March 2012 - (you can get a back issue - at Art Jewelry magazine  )
ART120301this article is by Kaska Firor

other  instructibles on line :

so I assembled my goodies
 18g,16g - and 26g for wrapping -
Its not pretty but at first I was all over - then it started to come together -
The instructions are good but pics would have helped a bit  showing the splaying of the wire so you can get at it - the wrapping wire should be on a small spool  - and I was too lazy to find one so just wound it up and also to lazy to go find my magnifier   glasses that would have made the process easier 
Not exactly like the the one in the pic - but close enough 
the next one will be better - this was made to make anything just get the hang of the one weave 
and figure out what I need 
bit of a mess - - not as tight a weave as it should be - I just twisted at the end to see what it would look like and was pleased with the possibilities - 
tips of my fingers sore but I guess I could have rested - made about 1 ft in about 1 hour not so bad

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