Gathering Beads and Findings for Bead Soup

Its like trying to find the right outfit  to wear to a party

I got into my studio - thanks to some lock de-icer  (think I'll put a plastic bag or something over the lock so the snow does not get in and freeze again - but of course I didn't do that last night - I'll wait till the weekend and some daylight )

I  pulled  all my main focal bead boxes,  all my finding boxes (of which there has to be about 100) (I'll have to get some pic's as they are strewn all over the studio (really cold ) and having them open makes it easier to choose -  pulling things out - putting them back  then looking for that particular mix  - its tough  and I still didn't finish  (cant show yet what I'm pulling - not till my partner gets her package)  so tonight I want to finish  and then make sure its what I want to send as the deadline date to mail is the 10th (Sunday) so I want to get them out Saturday as she is in the UK.   right now I have mixes for about 5 different bead sets - just have to pick the right one to send.

Was actually a good exercise to see what I have in stock and what I need to make and or buy.  Handling and feeling the beads really inspires me and I should do it more often -- I always say I can spend more time organizing than actually making.  

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