BEAD SOUP has arrived !

The mail arrived at work and my envelope from Jo Tinley in the UK  has arrived for the bead soup

I quickly snatched it and ran to my desk to open. MWAHAHA

Inside I found a little brown jewelry box with ribbon and  Daisychain Designs card
I so wanted to just tear into it but decided I wanted to savour opening the box slowly 
Once I opened all kinds of little individually wrapped packets with labels (I feel so ashamed I just put things into little plastic bags) 
I slowly opened each wonderful little packet  
and O My O My 
copper wire - patina'd beautifully, the little copper birds and hearts - so beautiful - the focal glass bead and the lampwork spacers - the beautiful silk 
my brain is on overload with what to do with them 
Her note says "I hope you have lots of fun with these  - Jo" 
O Jo I surely will -  as I said my brain is on overload with what to do - what to do ....... 


  1. Pretty wire, and those birds are gorgeous. You are going to have fun with this! Can't wait to see what you make! When is your reveal?

    1. Actually Psyc'd about this project (or maybe thats psycho ?) Its going to be fun

    2. Our reveal date is 6th April.

  2. I'm so glad that you like your soup ingredients Deb! I've written a bit more about them on my blog here http://daisychaindesignsjewellery.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/canadian-soup.html
