Stephen Leacock Museum Show -

I was so rushed getting things done I decided to pack in the morning as I only lived 20 minutes from the venue.  But I should never do that -  I got up early packed - and came back to the house and studio 3 times before I finally was on the road to the show.

Was a lovely day in Orillia - right by the water and kind of funky seeing people dress in period dress of the early 1900's -  They had an old fashion band and an afternoon tea at the actual Stephen Leacock Museum
http://leacockmuseum.com/    there was a small gathering of vendors and the weather was lovely

I got my shelter up and my sign in a nice shady area
Etched Bracelets, earrings - and large glass fish 

dichroic glass - more fish and etched necklaces 

etched pendants, more dicro, and lampwork flowers 

I always worry I dont have enough but then I can always fill the table 

The only problem was that the museum did not do any advertising or included any information that there would be a craft show on the Sunday so sales we almost nil as hardly any people were there 

But I am prepared for the next show 

1 comment:

  1. I've done shows like that - so sad. All thoses efforts seem wasted. But your booth looks fantastic!
