Hadar Jacobson Metal Clay

I've always used the PMC and Silver Clay  but I  just got my new mixed metal kit from Hadar Jacobson of Metal Clay - I have bronze and copper from the makers of PMC and still have not used it as well as other copper clay from Hadar Jacobson.  ( I have all the charcoal and the containers but still have not tried it out) One of the great things is that the price of working in Copper and bronze is that the price is right - and I love the fact that the Hadar material is in powder form.  As much as you can re-constitute the PMC clays  I like the powder version as I do not have to make sure it does not freeze in my studio - (I bring all materials that may freeze back into the house for winter)
Here is her new pack - a mix which I cant wait to use - its all quick fire -  Hardar Jacobson is coming to BeadFX at the end of March for a 3 day class that I have signed up for - so excited to finally learn how to fire this material -
Check out her website - http://www.artinsilver.com/
I want to make the Mokume cane - this kit with the variety of Bronze, Copper, Rose Bronze, Pearl gray steel and white bronze.

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