GIVE A WAYS - Something new


I will be posting a  monthly give-away  (possibly moving it up to weekly depending upon response)

How it will work

On the 1st of each Month - Starting on March 1, 2012 I will post the item for the give-away.

All you have to do to qualify is post a comment.  From your comment I will put names into a jar and pull one name - one entry per person but you can comment as many times as you wish. Cut off time is last day of the month at midnight.  I will post the winner on the 1st of the month for the previous month Give-away.  (sounds confusing but it will all work out )  before I post the new Give-away.

 I will mail regular mail the item to the winner. I will post first and last name  city/country on my blog of the winner.

The best way to stay informed about my site is using "Follow by Emai"l on the right hand side of the blog.  When I put up a new post you will get an email and this way you can see what is being made and what might be coming up for the Give-away.

So join my blog and keep informed and you could win any number of items I will be making - this includes Bracelets, earrings, stamps, beads, resin kits etc....  !

1 comment:

  1. Imagine with all your mind. Believe with all your heart. Achieve with all your might.
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