More copper etched Zentangle and other items - Fixing resists

I've only had time to do a few new items with etching
More zentangle - and another tree of life
Have not had much time and its colder at the studio these days - just moving items that will freeze into the house and then work inside during the winter. (I hope)

Once the items are etched and I have washed the ferric chloride off and removed them from the tape - I neutralize them and wash again. (wear gloves or you end up with discoloured  finger tips )
The PnP Blue is still on the pieces -

I use some acetone and a paper towel and wipe the blue off
at this point you decide how to seal
I've used my resin to seal that nice bright copper color
but there is also Gilders Paste - its a wax that you can get in various colors. you apply and buff
(I have to check something out about making my own as I have used my own mix that I take beeswax pellets and acetone and mix and create a soft wax  and have used on my pieces in the past - now I am wondering if I can use some colors to mix into it like metallics etc.. - another day)
Using the paste wax you seal your pieces

I did mention I would let you know how I deal with imperfect resists - where the PnP did not stick, spots that did not adhere etc..
I use a product called Stop Out - got it at curry's art supplies - they will order it in for you. You can use a brush or even an ink nib to draw or touch up your pieces. Lots of uses. Acetone clean up.

Here are a couple I fixed for future etching- You don't have to be neat - if you go over line you can scratch off.

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