Wash Out hoses for Silk Screening

One of the other items I find extremely useful and you will  find after you use a standard hose and keep your thumb on the opening for pressure - that these are much easier to work with.

I at least knew where to dive in and find and here are some pics of the two types I have .
One with the silver head looks like a pneumatic hose fitting and the other is all black plastic but it has a lock so you don't have to keep your thumb on the trigger.

Unfortunately with all the new style taps none of the ones in my house have the ability to attach - yet.
I use outside on the hose for now (don't have a laundry tub yet or water up at the studio - that is next years plan)

I will have to find out where I got them and how much and post - I do know it was somewhere I was getting silk screen materials from.

I am off to see what trouble I can get into - make my shopping list for slips and maybe print off some new transparencies and burn some screens this week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi this is great blog post about Wash Out hoses for Silk Screening. Thanks for nice post.

    Wash Hose.
