Creative Festival was Fun

Saturday dragged myself out of bed at 5:15 and  left for the show at 5:45 - wanted to be on time for manning my friends booth as one of the main highways were closed for repairs.
I was in the Zentangle booth covering for my Friend and Certified Zentangle teacher - Susan Stortini - if you want to start to Zentangle then see Susan  (note pics from iPhone )

Was in a portion of the Metro Convention center I had never been to (south building) which was very nice but  since I never had been to the south building I left early to ensure I was on time.

What a show - now I wished I had more free time to wander around .  I did get a couple of hours at the end to see some of the booths - embroidery, Knitting, runnway fashion shows, duct tape challenges, material and sundries gallore - even a live alpaca -

If your looking to start Lampworking or working in glass Nortel Mfg (the maker of the Nortel Minor torch) has everything you need.  They had a large booth with demos of lampworking all day.  THIS IS A FIRST ! no other show in Toronto has had Lampworking classes.

Again some amazing items at the show- got my youngest  granddaughter an elmo hat and gloves. couldnt pass it up
and my other granddaughter the monkey hat and gloves (she loves monkeys)

So now that I recouped on Sunday - I unpacked my Yudo and ready to go -I do have to make a Madd Hatters Hat tonight so cant wait to get that task finished so I can jump back to getting ready for the TBS show

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