Fused Glass Blanks - Step 1 - cutting the glass

Step 1 cutting the glass

I take Bullseye glass (COE 90) - usually comes in 10 x 10 sheets. (other types out there - Spectrum, Morretti etc.)

In this case I chose a vanilla white color as opposed to a pure white and a caramel colour because the decal when fired will be a sepia color -  I'll probably use the vanilla with a black frame and other colours to test the zentangle pattern sheets just to see make an assortment.

In fusing you must use the same COE if using two layers of glass.

I cut the background sheet (carmel) - this gives me the frame around the vanilla 1-1/2" x 2"
I use a beetlebits cutter or Morton System - or I'll use a hand cutter (with no oil- easy cleaning ) and a ruler
The background sheet is cut larger than the vanilla top piece.

I cut the vanilla piece 1-1/4 x 1-3/4 (or a little more but less than 2")
Place the vanilla  on top of the background Carmel - note the vanilla is smaller than the carmel background
this ensures when melted I have a carmel frame around the vanilla

Clean Pieces

Next Step - Fire (to follow)

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