Toooooo Hot to play

It has been so hot here in Ontario that I just could not stay inside my studio - although I have been moving things around and building things.  close to finishing and putting in the final changes to tables and clearing out areas that I needed to finish .  If it would just cool off enough
Monday I cleaned my ceramic faces, horses and amphora faces and put them in the kiln last night - it was hot but I wasn't going to stay in the studio too long.  Just long enough to vent kiln for first hour (takes about 8 hours to fire) seems all went well as when I went in this morning it had completed in 7.29 hours but it was still at 550 degrees F so by the time I get home it should be cool enough to see if everything fired ok - then its painting and glazing time and a refire - I hope to do some by tomorrow night - I'll post pics of the fired pieces

I just want to do some glass since my vent is in and I ave two oxy cons set up to work with (so I dont have to buy any Oxy right now )

The corner  that needed to cleaned is done but now I have to rearrange my tables and create a wall to hang some of my bins from for my findings and take down two work tables I no longer need
will give me more room to set up and walk around

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