More Ceramic Fish, Horses, Faces

Made some more fish, faces and horses for firing.
Making ceramic jewellery pieces is easy and not as difficult as you may think
I am using molds that I use liquid clay (slip) purchased at Tuckers Pottery - its a low fire slip and comes in a plastic bag that I pour into my left over cat litter containers (they are great for additional usages in the craft studio)  I use a pump I got with the syrup for a snow cone machine we rented for a birthday party in the summer.

I constantly mix the slip between pours - I pump it into my flat molds and then I let them sit.  when nearly dry I turn over the mold and they pop out - to speed up drying I put them on my teflon coated  plug in flat grill - set at 100 F.

They will still need to sit and dry for the week but at least  I can handle without fear of messing them up or sticking together.  I also poured the top of a dip container (bottom is like a jar you put ice in and the top sits on top with the dip and it keeps it cold - great for the summer.

I'll be working on low fire clay pieces next - actual clay that I'll put impressions in - cut - for toggles, connectors etc......

I'll do a step by step on making simple ceramic pieces for jewellery from using slip and malleable clay to firing shortly (using the paragon home hobby kiln)

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