April 11 -2011

Well I have to start sometime and now is a good as ever.
Been working on packaging my new Resin line called JUST RESIN
you can find out details on my web site with some helpful hints.

I learned to Zentangle a week ago and cant stop.  If you have not tried go google it and you will find some pretty nifty images.   I found this to be perfect for my copper etching and cant wait to get some done
A very ZEN experience - you really get into it.  I thank Susan Stortini (certified  instructor for Zentangle) for introducing me to this new obsession.

She also introduced me to Milliande Art Community where I seem to end up when surfing lately.  I must be lonely.   I just need to get past a tooth extraction and put my nose to the grindstone and pump out some lampwork beads and some fused glass,  maybe a little etched copper as well for the Toronto Bead Society Show at the end of April - used to have 4 months to get some beads done, now I'm down to three weeks.
Must be the weather - I cant stand the cold and it depresses me - not that its warming up and I can venture to my arctic studio (I have a basement studio but its dismal) I am starting to feel the ambition to make things again. 

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