Onto the next project - wood and resin ring 3d images

so onto making a ring - basic wood and resin  no add ons this time to show trees etc  I went with simple

found the wood up outside the studio and cut and broke a piece

I  used packing tape around the wood  and added some  Pinata baja blue alcohol ink to the color it

just to be careful I put it in a silicone cup in case it leaked 

I pulled it out after a couple of hours 

 then I peeled off the tape and sanded 

basic 220 sanded down on all sides with my new toy 
found a couple of air pockets that were open after sanding so I had to make a small batch and fill those in and will be sanded again tonight 
my new sander -  regular 229  at cdn tire on sale for 129  great deal 
runs like a charm
very versatile machine angle bench on the disc sander section  and the 4" x 36  can stand up as well 
and you can attach a dust collector to it as well (shop vac is what I use )

so last night I went to home depot to get a few things 
pressure release valve for my pressure pot 
the abs fittings to make the pot 
glue for abs 
and a spade bit kit 10 pcs  for making the holes for the rings was 19.99 
came in various sizes so it should cover all the ring sizes - I hope - rather than just picking out certain sizes 

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