Getting Kiln Ready for 1st load of the season

I dint get too far last night - cleaned out the kiln  (had patter plates and lava cloth in kiln from last batch of wine bottles -
I leave the shelves about 1 inch off the floor and the shelves are washed but I also leave the thicker blanket on in case I can fit something between the molds 

got out the  molds I want to use and cleaned them off - now to  put fresh  wash on them - but didnt have water up at the studio yet - then got detoured at the house

so I set up the molds in the kiln for set up
so wont get a chance tonight to wash them   or fill as I have a pottery class in oshawa till 9pm and wont be home till 10 

and I bought a small on demand hot water unit for the studio so I'll have hot water this year - will work on setting up shelf next week to place it  on and the  hoses so I can just hook up when the weather is for sure warmer

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