Warmer Weather = Studio Time

We are expecting a bit of warmer weather - that will allow me one last time in the studio I think and then sunday I will drag my kiln and set up in the basement for my lampworking

Last week I did do some beads - and if I just keep up to making this many a sitting I will start to once again accumulate
more spacers 

a new mold - hmmmmmmmmmm its like a big drop  (huge) biger than a quarter

big honkin beads  and a couple of hearts 

nothing special just filling in some gaps and playing 

this week was a bit busy - my brother had some serious issues and is still in hospital and is expected  to be there for another 6 weeks in recovery.   He looks much better now  and were hoping that he progresses each day

I WILL spend Saturday doing a few things in the studio - working towards having materials available to work at the house over the winter - wire wrapping, lampwork and maybe some ceramics as well

I still have a few things to do outside but not much and I'll finish that up early Saturday so I can concentrate on having some fun for a change.

the cold really puts me off my plans.

Dont forget to submit a comment to the give-a-way thread  - there is a short cut on the side bar

I will be posting a step by step on the wire wrapping I am doing and how I find it and what I think would be good tips to make it easier for some of us.

so keep posted - I should have a flurry of posts soon and possibly some video's popping up

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