June 2013 Give-A-Way - Closed

June Give-A-Way is now closed

The winner is : Karen B Ferrantelli

Yes its time again  (every other month ) to Give-A-Way one of my jewelry pieces.

You only have to leave a comment in this thread  (no other thread)  Just to say hi or make a comment

There is no charge to you - you just have to leave a comment

On July 1st I'll put the names in a cup (my coffee cup has gone missing - so I hope to find before then ) and draw one name.  I will then mail the give-a-way prize to the winner no charge.

So don't just visit leave your comment for a chance to win.

 I did a pre post and asked if anyone had suggestions - I had 1 person and they like the new etch pendants - but I have not  finished and not sure when I will - rather I selected something I have completed - but that does not mean in the future one will not be offered.

So the give-a-way for this month is one of my new Zentangle  engraved Dichro Pendants
Its hard to get the colors to show exactly what they are but here it is
I got it to show the hot pink, red and greens 
on some angles the hot pink comes up looking blue

As Always I love reading your comments - I dont respond on the thread only because I like to  see how many people comment and in the end I can ensure I have all the entries and I do not miss anyone 

Zentangles - is  doodling - for more information and patterns to try go to


  1. Love the play of colours of the dichro. It looks great combined with zentangle!

  2. Love your etching of zentangles. I've only just discovered this art form and it's thanks to you.
    Beautiful and I'd love to win!

  3. Fun colors! I have loads of things I could wear that with. Whoever wins this piece will be very lucky, in deed!

    BTW, the term zentangles is so new to me that I had to look it up. My take or "Reader's Digest" definition is "a higher form of doodles". Right?

  4. I love your Zentangles! The Dichroic is beautiful! Great photos.

  5. I have been reading all your posts as you were creating your last batch of Zentangles and thinking how gorgeous they sound. Please put my name in the hat.

  6. Ooo, would love to enter your draw! I have so much fun reading your blog. Discovered it via Pinterest a little while ago. I am in Ontario too, about 3 hours north of Toronto.

  7. The Zentangle with Dichro is sooooo cool! I would love to win one! Please put my name in you cup! I hope you don't mind but I will share this. These are so very interesting! :)

  8. Had not heard of Zentangle before. I love dichro, so this is really cool. I like the way all th colors come through. Very nice.

  9. I love your Zentangle!!
    Awesome color combo...Cheri

  10. I was searching for copper bracelet blanks and came across your site. Wow, I've been doing Zentangle for about a year and I love it. Combining the two is awesome. I have never done etching and it looks scary. One day I'll have to try it. I also have lots of inks and patinas. Don't you love them.

  11. I am new to Zentangle.....love doing it, this pendent is gorgeous! Would love to win it!

  12. I just love your etched cuffs, bracelets and earrings. You really achieve a nice deep etch. Your blog is very inspiring!

  13. wow I love your work I can't decide which technique I like the most. the copper is stunning!,

  14. I would LOVE to get my hands on this lovely pendant, Deb! Have you considered selling them through your Etsy shop?

  15. I Love your work! When I grow up I want to be just like you!

  16. Tried zen tangles myself. Incredible your

  17. I love your pendant and have some beads that would show it off beautifully! My email is Dyanne4293@gmail.com

  18. I love the colors on this piece. I really enjoy reading your blog and appreciate all the information in your posts. Thank you. My email is jill.laic@gmail.com

  19. Hi creative girl! This was a fun find after I spent the day experimenting with some inclusions in my glass and adding sepia decals I printed from some Dover images. It is great to see you post the steps and get to see ideas fuse into something new and fun. Thanks for sharing!
