David Acala Book - Sand to Glass

I got my Sand to Glass Book today - some glitch in my computer did not allow it to download when I purchased so David was kind enough to email me a copy

WORTH EVERY PENNY AND MORE !  I've seen fusing books,I have a ton of fusing books,  I tried fusing  many different ways, I paint glass, I slump ,  I do the color de verre from Jayne Persico , use fusing molds ,I make bracelet's, I etch, I manipulated fused glass, I stamp   I've had lots of classes and thought there was nothing new out there I would be interested in.   BUT  this book is great - and has a ton of NEW things to try out . I highly recommend this book and I cant wait to try all the cool things out .  In fact I thought it would be a standard blah blah blah about fusing but its not.   Now instead of  just reading and then shelving this for later use - I'll be trying this out this weekend for sure - so many cool ideas
off to buy some colored sand to play with  (suggested by artist rather than waiting frit) I already bought all the materials for the box
and I have a product that is mentioned  Flexi Glass on order and on its way to try out as well.   I hope micheals carries colored sand

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for you! Can't wait to see the results. And now I may have to buy another book!
